We are six days into our experiment and things have been pretty easy so far. Although, yesterday I got a glimpse into the future and there may be some odd ensembles coming my way. Right now I am loving the simplicity of my choices. Getting dressed in the morning is fairly straightforward, my only consideration is leaving enough interesting combinations for the future for what is on my calendar.
At almost a week, here are my top three takeaways:
1-Be creative with what you have and how you wear your jewelry. Its not just about the statement jewelry everyday, sometimes a fun mash up of layering strands is enough.
2-Embrace what is unnatural, fight your own norms. A good portion of my “core” wardrobe for my 31 days are basics. It was a natural choice to get the most milage out of these pieces, but pairing them together has left me some what uninspired. While I’m craving a little more print or color what I am learning is to embrace contrast more. Wearing the white jeans with the black tee — normally unnatural for me personally. I would normally opt for the inverse to keep the focus toward my face…but paired with wedges and an eye catching necklace it can work.
3-Roll with it. Weather can change and outfits can evolve. 4th of July was a good lesson for me in the evolution of an outfit. By 5pm the fog had blown into the city and wearing a dress to a rooftop party was not practical. Instead of defaulting to a complete wardrobe change I threw on my boyfriend jeans under my dress. Voila my dress became a tunic and I really liked the look and will be using it as an outfit in the coming days.
P.S. I’ve pledged to take more selfies each week.
Stay Stylish,