Enjoying the royal palace in Sevilla
A few weeks ago I shared with all of you that I would be challenging myself and traveling abroad with a small travel capsule (see the post here). Now that I’m freshly back, I’ve been reflecting on the experience. Would I do it again? Yes. Would I change anything? Mas o menos.
Here are some of my learnings along with the outfits I had on repeat (and continue to wear post trip).
Embrace the Awkward– Limited options and fluctuating weather means odd combinations at times. Wearing sneakers with some “looks” was not a natural choice, but comfort was key when walking all day. A slightly sporty look dominated my days, but I was a happier camper for it.
Focus on What Really Matters to YOU-Were there times when I wanted to breakdown and run into the nearest Zara to pick up a new top or add in shorts? Yes–and that would have been okay, but at the end of the day what I found wasn’t worth its weight (literally).
Choose Bulletproof Items-Life happens and in my case it was a full glass red vino poured on my lap. Thankfully 90% of it came out of the four key pieces I was wearing….my blue poly blouse came through like a champ. Had it been silk, my top would have been toast and I would have lost a good portion of my capsule. Leave your delicate items at home.
Spain is the Perfect Place to Have a Shoe Breakdown-I had planned to buy a pair of sandals or espadrilles in Spain. This idea was expedited when my one pair of sandals broke walking across town. A few hours later I was re-heeled and ready to go with two new pairs of Spanish shoes.
Stay Stylish,
***a special thanks to Kelsey Johnson for making my outfit shots shine!