Wear It Again: Repeating A Classic Silhouette

“Save the Dates” are in for the summer and we all sat down to review our closets and start outfit planning. Instead of shopping for the perfect dress to wear to our next wedding or formal event, this year we’ve decided to use what we already have and shop our closets. 

Stay Stylish, 


Shop Your Closet

Last week Devon shared her “wear now and later” vintage shopping look. This week Megan and I are taking the same cue and reaching for that dress in the back of our closets. We know you have one too–that dress you’ve held on to for years, love, but for one reason or another never wear. This post is for you friend!

Classic Silhouettes

The pieces that have lasted the longest in my wardrobe have been the classic ones. However, there are a few contradictions with staying power. This floral black slip dress, is one of them. I’ve kept it part for nostalgia (I brought it to Italy when I was studying there in college) and part because I love the romantic design. With the slip dress silhouette now back in fashion, I decided to bring it out of the archives.

Re-Think & Re-Style

This dress is the perfect thing for an afternoon wedding, but could I wear it on date night? With two quick adjustments the look is easy enough to wear for a night out. For a casual and modern spin on this look, I added my leather moto jacket, a double buckle belt and blush velvet flats. While slip dresses are traditionally famous for their straight lines, I liked adding a little contrast and definition to the silhouette. So, your turn–pull that dress out of the closet and give it some love again!


Pro Tip: To get out of the box, take two opposite items in your closet and pair them together (like a fitted blazer with your flowy maxi). You will begin to see new options!