We have been particularly motivated lately to organize and clean up both our work and living spaces. Kimberly has undertaken the task of not only organizing her large walk-in pantry, but also editing down her wardrobe with only pieces she wears. I’ve been doing small home improvement projects, and am finally making an effort to transfer all of my shoes to plastic shoes bins to keep them dust-free and organized.
Use January to Reset and Clean Out Your Closet
The new year is alway a good opportunity to go through your entire closet and see what’s working, what you aren’t wearing anymore, and what can be put away until spring.
Not only does the cold, rainy weather give you the perfect excuse to stay inside all day, but you will feel much lighter having organized your belongings.
Think about your space as a “work space”. Organize things by use and simplified natural flow. At the end of the day do you take off your jewelry before going to sleep? We recommend this to keep jewelry cleaner longer. Why not add a dish to your night stand for a stylish catchall.
Pro tip: Many stores will be having sales on organizing items in January, so take advantage of them!…do a quick web search to see stores near you with promos like Target, The Container Store, and Bed Bath and Beyond.
Stress-Free Steps for Cleaning Out Your Closet
So, in the spirit of out with the old and in with the new, here are our 5 stress-free steps for cleaning out your closet.
1. Assess Your Current Style and How it Translates Through the Clothes in Your Closet. If you’ve become less edgy and more classic, it may be time to replace distressed jeans for tailored black pants.
2. If You Haven’t Worn it in at Least Two Years, Then it is Time to Let it Go. We always tell ourselves we may need it one day, for that one event, but chances are it will just end up sitting in your closet for another 2 years. Exercise tough love, and let go of anything that hasn’t made its way out of the closet in the past 2 years. Someone else can likely use it!
3. Hold on to Heirloom Pieces. We all have those special pieces that we don’t wear, but that have sentimental value (the dress you wore on your honeymoon or the vintage blouse that belonged to your mom). Take any heirloom pieces from your closet and store them in an airtight bin. This will help preserve them and free up room in your closet.
4. Ditch Wire Hangers. Wire hangers are tough on your clothes and can stretch them out. Opt for felt or wooden hangers instead to preserve their shape for longer. Plus, while you’re busy swapping hangers you will get a good look at what’s hiding in your closet. Need a few tips on how to hang? See our sweater blog here.
5. Organize by Category. Organize your closet so that all of your pants, shirts, skirts, etc. are arranged together. Then take it one step farther and organize each category by color. It may be time consuming at first, but it save time later when you aren’t digging around for your favorite top.
Stay Stylish,
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