Announcing the 31 Days of Style Challenge

With the warmer months finally here, we thought it would be fun to push ourselves out of our style comfort zone and try something new.  So starting this Wednesday, July 1st, we will be kicking off a 31 Day Style Challenge where we are only allowed to wear 31 pre-selected pieces from our wardrobe for the entire month of July! To up the ante, we’ve partnered with local Bay Area style blogger Chanel Butler, who is joining us on the journey to enlightened minimalist dressing via her awesome blog The Chanel Files.

The RULES for 31 Days of Style
*31 Total Items (includes clothing, shoes, handbags, and scarves)
*Jewelry, Undergarments and Workout Gear are excluded
*Two WILD CARDS can used toward adding one item to the mix and can be used at any time but only for one day

Megan’s 31 Items:
“Have you ever thought about the number of items you wear in a month? I hadn’t either until Kimberly came to me with the idea that we challenge ourselves to try minimalist dressing for the month of July. 31 pieces of clothing for 31 days. My thought process went from “This could be fun,” to “Wait, seriously only 31 items,” to “Bring it… I am ready.” 

Megan Zatko 31 days of style challenge

Kimberly’s 31 Items:
“If anyone really knows me, they know that while I am a creative type I also have a seriously analytical side. I love always pushing the numbers in fashion and trying to develop different models of what makes a strong outfit and how flexible pieces can be in creating alternative looks. Summer is a perfect time to scale back, recharge and experiment with capsule wardrobes. San Francisco presents a summer climate challenge of its own…so this challenge should be a unique one for Megan and I.”

Kimberly Gant 31 Days of Style Challenge

None of us are sure what we are getting into, but you will be able to follow our ups, downs and creative outfit choices here on our blog, on Instagram (@CanvasStyling) and on our Facebook page. Stay tuned each day as we post our outfits and keep you updated on how we are doing with the challenge. Let’ do this! 

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