San Francisco seems to be going through a weather identity crisis. It’s only Tuesday and already this week we’ve had sun, rain, hail and high winds… all in one day! This crazy weather can be brutal on your umbrella (yes, that was me walking down Market with my umbrella turned inside out yesterday).
Keep Covered in Style
So, how do you pick a durable umbrella that’s going to weather the storm? Kimberly and I have done the research and have a few favorites to share. The best part – they won’t break the bank! Now you can toss that $6.99 Walgreen’s umbrella and start a relationship with one that will always keep you covered in style.
Our Top Umbrella Picks
The Basic Black
EuroSchirm Light Trek, $30
The Clear Bubble
Kate Spade Eyes Umbrealla, $38
The Old Fashioned
Totes Wooden Stick Umbrella, $20
The Pop of Color
The Met Store Van Gogh Umbrella, $40
The Lifetime Investment
Davek Duet Extra-Large Foldable Umbrella, $150
Stay Dry,