New Year 2023 Resolutions: A Fresh Take on Style and Shopping

This year I’m feeling a little tug to modify my annual tradition of sharing new year style goals. 2022 proved to be a springboard year, jumping full fledge into a Post-Covid work year and gathering with loved ones in person.

This year I am feeling an itch to change things up a bit not just with my style but also the business. I’ve been running Canvas for going on eight years and how I work with clients has naturally evolved with time. However, this year I’m craving something fresh and new. Whether that is adding to my offering or exploring a new framework I don’t know, but check back with me later this year to see what sticks.

1.) Fine-tuning my colors

There has been a growing trend and renewed interest in seasonal color analysis in the past five years. I have always guided clients toward colors that look great on them but perhaps a refreshed framework would help. This year I’m revisiting these frameworks—more on that to come!

2.) Fine-tuning my shape

Knowing what your basic geometry is can be intimidating but very helpful in building a wardrobe that is flattering and timeless. Trends ebb and flow, and bodies do change over time. Keeping tabs on your geometry and how far you can push it with current trends is an important touch point. Similar to a growing renewed interest in color analysis, body morphology has also come up more in conversations with clients. While this is something I speak to when working with clients I am also exploring different frameworks to help guide clients. The traditional shape, fruit, and, Kibbe method all have their strong points and shortcomings.

3.) Let go of what’s not working—-

One of the good parts (and bad) of being a professional stylist is I feel like I’m held to a higher standard with my wardrobe. I too want a wardrobe that works for me and not against me especially when I have a day of closet cleanouts ahead of me. I’ve acquired a few test pieces that I really love in theory, but the quality or style has not held up as expected. It’s time to learn from these lessons and let them go.

Stay Stylish,


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