Sweater Obsession
It is freeeezing outside! All I want to do is bundle up in a cozy sweater and drink hot cocoa. Which is why I had to laugh when Kimberly sent…
It is freeeezing outside! All I want to do is bundle up in a cozy sweater and drink hot cocoa. Which is why I had to laugh when Kimberly sent…
Hey men, not sure what to buy for your wife, girlfriend, mom or sister? Fear not, we have plenty of suggestions. While we always find the men in our lives…
Canvas SF Holiday Gift Guide by canvas-styling featuring tech accessoriesBlanket / SETS / Serveware / Kitchen gadgets tool / Daypack / Taylor Smoke Rose Gold Resin / Saucony Women's Hurricane…
We love a good pair of denim on a man. In fact, we just love good denim. Some of you may remember the podcast that we did with local SF…
The holidays are fun and merry but they can also be stressful finding the time to balance regular life commitments with celebrations. It's no secret that at Canvas we are…
...Wait for it...Wait for it... The Best Deal of Black Friday is TIME SPENT WITH LOVED ONES. Great deals will always be around, but time together is not guaranteed. Instead…
Looking for something comfy but stylish to wear for Thanksgiving? We recommend going with a sweater dress and boots. It's easy, looks cute and best of all- won't start to feel…
We love a man in a good suit. Living in San Francisco, workwear trends more zipped-up (a la hoodies and jeans) than buttoned-up. We still encourage all of our male…
Every season we get requests from our male clients for recommendations on a few good colognes. This fall Megan and I decided to team up and narrow down our top…
Whether it's to protect your new Macbook or lug your work computer on your daily commute, backpacks are the most ergonomic way to carry your tech on-the-go. This season's best…