Keeping The Calm: A Work from Home Style First Aid Kit

We are one week into the start of our ‘Shelter In Place’ order here in San Francisco—for those of you who are local—high fives all around for keeping it together!!

It’s been a big adjustment here at the Canvas office, shifting clients to remote shopping sessions and pushing others out for in-person shopping trips later in the season. Waiting is something I am not particularly good at and my default is contingency planning, a skill that has served me well styling. But right now so much of life is calling us to live in the present because the near future looks fuzzy and sometimes a little wildly scary.

In the wake of social distancing and calls to shelter I gathered together some basics that give me a surprising amount of comfort. These little familiar luxuries have fueled me this past week and kept me grounded so I could focus on carving out a new work/life routine. Keeping a schedule has helped me immensely, starting the day with a devotional or meditation, before jumping into my inbox or task list.

Do you have anything that has helped keep you focused while working from home? How are you doing with this new routine? Are you excited that you get a free pass to athleisure style or do you miss having a clearer work/life wardrobe?

Drop me a note and let me know how you are doing! A few clients have reached out and l love hearing from you. If there is anything you would love to hear about re: style/fashion/cooking. I have a little more time on my hands these days to blog, something that I’ve missed over the course of a busy 2019.

If you are interested in setting up a remote styling session or closet clean-out drop me a note here and we can chat more.

Be good to yourself and your neighbor and as always,

Stay Stylish,


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