Over the years we’ve all had our share of fashion moments–some have been less than stellar and a few have been downright scary. However, that is all part of the journey in discovering your own personal style.
For Halloween, we thought we’d open our closets and share some of our ghosts of style that thankfully can stay in the past. They are designed to inspire and offer a little hope-yes-style can be learned!
So consider yourself treated and not tricked.
Stay Stylish,
“I’ve had some scary fashion moments, but this one takes the cake! It was taken at Cedar Point (a local amusement park) and I remember picking out the perfect outfit for that day. The short hair with bangs, giant blue glasses and oversized t-shirt. The 80’s were tough times for style, but I definitely thought I was rocking it!”
“Everyone goes through an awkward ugly duckling phase—add 90’s fashion and it’s bound to happen.Overalls and saltwater sandals were IN that year…but the plaid and haircut are the big offenders. The stylist wanted to give me an asymmetrical cut that just didn’t translate. We’ll file this away as never again.”
“Crimped hair, ill-fitting jeans, leopard, stripes and of course a Dunkin iced coffee— I applaud a young me for trying, but this look just isn’t working.”